About Us

Welcome to the Power of Crystals, my name is Julie and I love crystals! It sounds like I have an addiction doesn't it? - I suppose in some ways, I have! I think I have always (unknowingly) had an affinity with crystals! I get drawn to pretty sparkly things!

I have suffered with M.E/C.F.S since I was a teenager (to varying degrees) and have had to try and manage the condition myself, without any help from the medical profession. I have tried many things over the years to try and improve my health and recently discovered that a holistic and spiritual approach was definitely the way forward, along with a change in diet.

My first big improvement came after I attended a Sound Bath (with Quartz Crystal singing bowls). An experience that blew my mind! I was so relaxed when I left the room that night I almost floated home. I had a warm, blissful feeling (like I was in some kind of protective, happy bubble) this continued for a few days afterwards. Not to mention how deep into meditation I went, experiencing all sorts of colours, which I later discovered were linked to the various chakras that the bowls were attuned to. I still attend the sound baths and now experience all kinds of visions, colours and feelings - I would highly recommend this to everyone! It is a wonderful way to completely relax in this fast living world we live in.

The improvements in my health were noticeable and it encouraged me to look further into the world of crystals to see what other benefits I could gain! I was starting to see a glimmer of light, breaking through the fog I had been living in for many years now.

My next mind blowing and transformative experience was Angelic Reiki, I had just reconnected with my best friend from when I was around 8 years old, only to discover that she was now a Reiki Master and also did crystal sound baths. She offered to give me a healing, (which I was very excited about!) - I had heard about reiki, but never experienced it! Wow - it was emotional, enlightening, powerful and again for a few days afterwards, I was floating around in my little protective bubble of happiness! What an experience!

It seemed like the universe was guiding me to holistic healing in one way or another, so I started to do my research on which crystals would be helpful to me and learning about crystal healing, setting intentions, charging and cleansing crystals. Then I started to buy some crystals for myself. 

It's hard to put into words the feelings I get when I receive crystal deliveries, or when I hold each stone, feel their vibrations and their power/energy. I get an overwhelming sense of happiness, light, calm, an instant uplifting - it makes me feel great!

I mean .... what's not to love? When you look at these stunning crystals and realise what an amazing place the universe is to create such beauty, it makes you appreciate and look at life from a whole new perspective. It's like seeing the world through new eyes!

Then people started to notice the change in me, they were feeling a different vibe and wanted to know what the difference was - it was infectious! The more I talked to people about what I had been doing and how crystals were changing my life, the more they wanted to know and experience it for themselves.

So, one day I decided to share the joy with everyone else, I set up the Power of Crystals and sourced some beautiful crystals for everyone to enjoy and benefit from. 

I hope you will love them as much as I do! xx


The Products
The most exciting part of my job is sourcing the products. We import products from all around the world and because we always try to deal direct with the manufacturers of our products we are usually in a good position to offer the best prices and also offer products that are exclusive to us. If you are looking for something specific please drop me an email to discuss and we can try and source it for you.

We take our ethical and environmental responsibilities seriously. We seek information and assurances from our suppliers that they treat their employees with respect and do not employ child labour. 

In our own processes we are always trying to become more environmentally aware. This is an ever evolving process and we are only a small way along it, but at present we use energy saving bulbs, recycle all of the cardboard and paper and plastic we generate. 

Ecommerce is what we do
Power of Crystals is an internet mail order business. We do not have a physical shop and we do not publish a physical catalogue - our website is our catalogue. Because ecommerce is all we do, that is where our total focus goes. If you order from us before 3pm on a weekday (Monday – Friday) we will endeavour to ship your package the next day. Our standard form of shipment to the UK is second class Royal Mail (dependent on the weight of the parcel). But faster options are available.